New date for July meeting: 7-7

A message from Mark: Because of an unforeseen circumstance, our meeting of the 14th will not be possible and the Board has decided to move the July meeting forward to July 7th at 12 noon in the Port Angeles Library.  I apologize for the late change, but we felt it would be better to move it forward instead of cancelling.  The education session will concern Preparing Your Hives for the Winter. It seems too early but this is when you have to start getting things in order.

I hope your hives have recovered from the nectar dearth of the last month or so. It seems that they are finding plenty now so, fingers crossed, we may have a pretty good honey year. 

Looking forward, we have the Lavender Festival at Victor's Lavender Farm on the 19-21 of July, then the Clallam County Fair Aug 15-19

I hope you can make the new date. Our August meeting will be held on Aug. 11 and the topic of discussion will be honey extraction.