Cornell University Master Beekeeping Certification
Club discount is now available for advanced study at Cornell University.
2025 Beginning Beekeeping
Course offering is now closed. Another offering may become available with sufficient interest.
Please stay tuned.
Various ongoing seasonal topics of interest will be discussed at our regularly scheduled monthly meetings and hive-side visits.
Advanced beekeeping topics
Summer Brood Interruption: A club presentation by Rex Roberton, March 10, 2024
Based on his own experience and many trials over the years, Rex presented methodologies he has personally proven to be successful for combating and controlling varroa mite populations. These methods, known as biotechnical controls, were developed in Europe in order to promote beekeeping practices that are safe for bees and produce safe hive products using techniques that take advantage of the honey bees’ natural life cycle.
The link to Rex’s slide deck is found <HERE>. The slide show is about 7 minutes, with each slide showing about 5 seconds.
Reference: Uzunov, A, Gabel, M, and Büchler, R (2023) Summer Brood Interruption for Vital Honey Bee Colonies: Towards sustainable varroa control using biotechnical methods. Apoidea Press.