NOPBA club hive is now up and buzzing
Greg Butler and Mark Urnes take a look at the NOBPA club hive on May 15.
The club’s first demonstration hive is now buzzing and growing in a sunny spot provided by Joe and Elena Metz near Robin Hill Farm County Park outside Sequim. Woodenware and drawn foundation were donated by Greg Butler, and set up by Joe and Megan D’More in late March. The package of bees was purchased from Sunny Farms. Mark Urnes, Joe, Megan and Greg installed the bees on April 30. The hive was given a few days to settle in before a preventive oxalic acid vaporization (OAV treatment) was performed on May 6 while the bees were still in their broodless condition.
Greg reports: “After our club meeting May 15, Mark and Joe checked progress. The queen was observed and all indications have the bees doing well with all stages of worker and drone brood centered over several frames. The colony is currently being lightly fed. Even though the package was installed on drawn foundation, less than ideal flying weather may be somewhat responsible for the minimal amount of surplus we observed at this time. A demonstration to measure (sample) for Varroa will take place in mid-June.”