Storey’s Guide to Keeping Honey Bees
This trusted handbook is a must-have for novice and seasoned beekeepers alike. Now totally redesigned and featuring color photos and graphics, the second edition also includes up-to-date information on honey bee health. The go-to reference presents comprehensive yet accessible information on everything from planning hives and installing a colony to preventing disease and managing productive hives that will bear bountiful honey harvests year after year.
This book is part of the online Apprentice-Level Beekeeping Course curriculum at the the University of Montana Division of Biological Sciences as BIOB 191 Apprentice Level Beekeeping.
Dr. Malcolm T. Sanford is professor emeritus at the University of Florida. His work has appeared in numerous apicultural publications, including the journals, Bee Culture and American Bee Journal. For more than 20 years he has written an apiculture newsletter featuring beekeeping information from around the world. Sandford is also the developer of the Apis Information Resource Center:
The late Richard E. Bonney was a master beekeeper in Massachusetts and author of the classic books Hive Management and Beekeeping.