Swarm Collection List Updated
Just a heads up that our Swarm List has been updated with a list of names and phone numbers of those willing to collect swarms in their specified areas.
Just a heads up that our Swarm List has been updated with a list of names and phone numbers of those willing to collect swarms in their specified areas.
Port Angeles Garden Club
Saturday Morning, May 4th - 9am to 1pm, P.A held at the Senior Center on 328 E. 7th Street
Healthy reasonably priced shrubs, perennials, annuals, veggie starts and BASKET STUFFERS!
—Raffle for a Trip to Victoria—
Check out April’s newsletter, accessed at http://www.nopbanews.org/ for another informative and fun compilation of news, facts, upcoming events, and more. Thanks to Greg for another excellent publication!
Last month, Marshall donated one of the swarm traps for the meeting door prize that was finished with the outstanding artwork of Paul’s daughters. Congratulations to Bonnie, the winner who took it home.
Sometimes, it’s just nice to have someone to call. One of the benefits of NOPBA membership is our mentorship program. Our program is intended to provide those just starting in beekeeping a solid foundation and support.
Field experience with a mentor is an opportunity for active, hands on experience working with bees, hives, and beekeeping equipment. As a mentee, you choose the level of involvement. Optional activities are organized by the beekeeping season and availability of the participants. Mentoring matchups will be in place for the calendar year.
Copies of the program handout as well as the sign ups will be available at the April meeting or sign-up online.
WHERE: Common Grounds Cafe, 525 E. 8th St., Port Angeles
Saturday mornings, 8:30 am, Everyone welcome!
Discuss Beekeeping Topics
On March 16th, Rex provided a short focused presentation on a portion of Derek Mitchell’s new work comparing the different physical properties of natural tree cavities with those of man-made beehives. It’s not news that tree cavity spaces are preferable environments for honey bees because they are the “natural” choice. But for perhaps the first time in the history of beekeeping, by utilizing measurement techniques and analysis from a background in mechanical engineering (computational fluid dynamics), Dr. Mitchell, himself a beekeeper in the U.K., has shown how the internal heat reservoirs of various cavity space configurations are physically influenced by top and bottom entrances in the presence or absence of hive insulation.
Tom Seeley was recently quoted in a podcast saying, “I wish we would have known about these findings years ago.” Mitchell’s research is now showing us the physics of “how” the properties of tree cavities are superior to our thin walled man-made boxes. Indeed, beginning now, this information will be influencing how many of us will be managing our bees this year. To find out more, come join us. Check out Derek Mitchell’s work below::
Ratios of colony mass
Thermal efficiency
Top Ventilation
Please note our collection of background material on the internal hive atmosphere is available on the Resources link.
We’re all learning and the whole idea of a bee club is to have some fun. Please join us every Saturday (until further notice), for informal discussions about anything of bee related interest.
As the season progresses, we will be following coffee with apiary visits.
Our next regularly scheduled monthly meeting will be held April 14th at the Port Angeles Library. The Beginning Beekeepers class begins at noon, with a short business meeting at 1:00, followed by a presentation by Herb Senft, “Landscaping for Pollinators”. Please join us.
There is a meeting date change since Mother’s Day usually falls on our usual meeting date on the second Sunday of the month. The May meeting will take place, instead, on the first Sunday of the month on May 5, 2019 from 12 Noon to 2:30 PM, beginning at noon with the second Beginning Beekeeping Class.
March 10, 2019 - Beginning Beekeeping Classes begin.
Throughout the season, this series of ten one-hour beginning beekeeping classes are held starting at noon prior to our general business meetings which begin at 1:00PM. Optionally, for individuals wishing to pursue certification, successful completion of this class meets the requirements of Washington State Beekeepers Association Beginning Beekeeper Certification. Class material includes a workbook/manual for $20.00
Not quite sure who to talk to,… if you ordered this snow, good on you,.. but next time, let’s talk about portions.
Library is closed and we have no key, ergo meeting is cancelled.
We had planned to have a very special guest speaker, Sue Cobey, on Sunday, Feb 10. However, due to inclement weather, Sue would like to visit us another time.
Mark Urnes, our Education Coordinator, would like to proceed with the beekeeping class at noon on Sunday. Barring any major change in weather. Similarly, it will be followed by a brief business meeting/open discussion for those in attendance.
I’ll post here if there is an update or change from this plan.
As a reminder,… we have no meeting in December,… . See you at our first meeting for 2019 on January 13th.
At our November 11, 2018 General meeting, we voted for the members of our executive committee for the upcoming 2019 season and approved a few updates to the association bylaws. Please join us in welcoming our new board members:
President: Rex Roberton
Vice President: Paul Sprague
Treasurer returning: Chris Beatty
Secretary returning: Greg Butler
Education returning: Mark Urnes
Library: Kristine Roberton
Community Outreach (new position): Herb Senft
As is tradition, we will not be having our usual meeting and education session in September. Instead, all active members are invited to Mark's home for a picnic Sunday, Sept 9 at around noon. You should have received an email from Greg with the details. If you missed it, please email us and we will get the details over to you!
"Calm weather in June sets corn in tune."
I received Greg's email today with the July newsletter attached. One, he's cranked out another great edition for your reading pleasure; Two, where did that month go?! Our apiary has been hopping and blackberry's are blooming!
Time to get together and "talk bees" this Sunday, July 8. Usual times and place: Noon for the class and 1pm for the business meeting.
"A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July is not worth a fly,..."
Sunday June 10th, at noon for the educational session and 1pm for the general meeting.
Our newsletter is available at the link below.
The date for our May meeting has been adjusted to avoid Mother's Day.
Sunday May 6th, at noon for the educational session and 1pm for the general meeting.
Our newsletter is available at the link below.
Ready for a field trip?
Time for some hands-on to go with all the books, internet surfing, and YouTubing?
The club will have a field day next Saturday, April 14th at noon. (Yes, we still have a meeting this Sunday, April 8th)
Details are in the flyer:
We have lots of activity in the Bee space this month!! Preparation for the season and arrival of new packages. Please plan to attend our next meeting - Sunday, April 8.
Dates and times for the meetings are in the newsletter - which is awesome [thank you Greg!] - and available at the link below.
North Olympic Peninsula Beekeepers' Association - Clallam County, Washington
PO Box 3036, Sequim, WA 98382